Guest Blogger: Taylor Klaus / Pediatric Operating Room Nurse
“In July 2017, my three children were napping as I sat and thought about a different mothers worst nightmare. This mother responded in an emergency and performed CPR on her infant child only to find out it was too late. The brain damage was already too severe and they recently laid their infant, only days older than my own sleeping infant in the next room, to rest. As I sat there I realized I couldn’t perform CPR if an emergency arose and I could have the same outcome.
Determined to give myself and my children a fighting chance, I pulled up YouTube and watched a series of videos of infant CPR. Little did I know just a few weeks later, the 15 minutes I spent educating myself, would spare my son's life. We spent the majority of our time in the pool during the summer we lived in Arizona. My 3 and 5 year old girls would swim as my 9 month old son relaxed in an infant floatation seat. We were in a daily grind. I played with the girls, keeping my eye on my son as he sat back and chewed on toys in that seat, never moving or showing inclination of getting out. I took my eyes off my son for what seemed like a second only to realize that he somehow had flipped the flotation device over and was face down in the water. He was purple, unconscious, and appeared lifeless.
Mom mode clicked on and I immediately began to perform infant CPR, thankfully I knew what to do. The 911 operator gave tips as I continued to attempt to breathe life back into my child. As the paramedics ran to the scene my son was already crying and taking his own breaths. We rode in the ambulance and my only concern was our sweet boy's brain, was it enough? We pulled into the ER and a team of nurses and doctors came to his side. Shortly after we arrived, the doctor informed me that my son was perfectly healthy, he made it.
The preparation paid off and I now have a healthy and active 5 year old boy. I cannot stress the importance of parents to be aware and educated on infant/child CPR.
No parent thinks it will happen to them but life threatening situations can arise at any given time.
The quote “it only takes a second” is very real to our family. I encourage any parent to give your children a fighting chance against tragedy, educate yourself and learn CPR. Every second counts, be prepared, it could make the difference between life and death.”
- Jill H.
Every second counts!
CPR is used for people who are unresponsive and not breathing. The average emergency response time is 7 minutes. Brain damage can occur after about 4 minutes.
CPR: Every Second Counts Video
by Taylor Klaus
Pediatric Operating Room Nurse

Ways to get CPR certified:
American Heart Association: CPR Class
American Red Cross: Online Classes:
Infant CPR Kit:
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