We just returned from our first vacation requiring airplane travel with our sweet and sassy Frances! I had a lot of anxiety around traveling with my little one so I made an in depth packing list before we left and thought I would share my diaper backpack packing list for the plane! Better believe I brought our Birch Bag. It was so fun seeing other warrior mamas and dads at the airport carrying theirs, too! It really is great for travel.
For reference, Frankie is 5 months old. I wrote this prior to leaving, but have updated some things post-trip.
Frankie's First Flight Checklist
Diaper Backpack:
Copy of birth certificate
Pacifier + clip (plus extra!)
Bottle with some milk: Frankie has become a very distracted nurser. It might be hard to stay covered and feed during takeoff/landing so I am going to bring a tiny bit of milk just in case. Luckily I have a decent amount built up in my freezer and she takes a bottle well.
*Update: I didn't actually do this and Frankie would NOT nurse the first flight. She luckily snacked enough to not be hungry, but it was a mess. Wish I did. The second flight I was able to use a cover and she was sleepy enough that I was able to nurse - but not during takeoff/landing. She really did not show any signs of the pressure bothering her, though.
Sanitizing wipes & pacifier wipes
Extra tee for mom (I've been blown out and spit up on enough to know this!)
New toys: I ordered a couple of new small toys to help keep her interested & am brought a couple of tried and true. Also bringing an extra pacifier clip for teether toys to keep from falling on the ground.
*Update: her favorite toy was a water bottle
Lovey: for some extra comfort ❤️
Swaddle Blanket: we went back and forth about trying to stuff in our Muslin Quilt to keep her cozy but ultimately decided a muslin swaddle will be enough to keep her warm in our arms.
Cover: both for carseat and nursing on plane
Extra Sleeper + 1 Outfit + Booties
8 diapers + wipes
Diaper baggies
Bandana Bibs: she has gotten quite drooly!
Pump Supplies: I don't want to be without my pump in case she doesn't nurse, checked luggage is lost, etc.
*Update: My husband actually put this in his backpack, but it would have fit in my diaper backpack as well.
For mom: hand sanitizer, wallet, phone, charger, lip balm
New mom here - we learned a lot this trip! The second flight was so much easier once we figured out what worked for us. Traveling with a baby is hard and exhausting, but it is SO worth it.
What are your diaper backpack must-haves when traveling by plane with baby?

To help you feel prepared, we included a printable PDF checklist to simplify baby's flying adventures!
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